Laboratori d'Automatització i Robòtica, Universitat de Lleida
Blog (Català + Español + English)
19/03/2025 - Pieza imposible con impresión 3D: tapa al aire sin soporte

Se ha conseguido hacer una tapa de 10 cm sin material de soporte (clic sobre la imagen para verla entera).
La pieza se ha creado uniendo dos laminaciones (gcodes) diferentes:
• El cilindro se ha hecho con una impresión continua en espiral (extrusor de 0,8).
• La parte plana superior se ha hecho como pieza sólida, con dos capas perimetrales y cinco capas de altura (las trayectorias internas de las capas forman una X). Velocidad muy, muy lenta y ventilador de capa a tope (100 %).
18/03/2025 - Work in progress: passive suspension
24/02/2025 - Lleida, febrer del 2025
22/02/2025 - 14a Edició de la First Lego League a l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL
01/03/2024 - First Lego League a l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL (al Campus d'Igualada)
22/02/2024 - First Lego League a l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL (al Campus de Cappont)
Més informació a:
20/02/2025 ... 23/02/2025 - Animac 2025

Mostra Internacional de Cinema d’Animació de Catalunya, organitzada per l’Ajuntament de Lleida
Programa de mà: del 20 al 23 de febrer de 2025
13/12/2024 - The dark side of 3D (low-cost) printing
09/12/2024 - Work in progress: passive suspension
02/11/2024 - Highlighting: Figure 02 robot working in a factory
Figure 02 (F 02), manufactured by
Figure AI (OpenAi + Nvidia + Microsoft), is being evaluated in a factory
• YouTube:
Figure 02 (
https://youtu.be/mvFlCJU8kU0 )
02/11/2024 - Highlighting: TRON1 a multi-modal biped robot
Amazing multi-modal biped robot...
• YouTube:
https://youtu.be/HsDhEfz9Dgc )
30/10/2024 - Solving a problem when 3D printing using "one-at-a-time" with Cura (and FLSUN)
When 3D printint using "
one-at-a-time" using
Cura Print Sequence (printing full pieces in sequence) in a
FLSUN 3D Printer, we have experienced a delay problem in the second and subsequent pieces.
We have analyzed the problem and the cause is a gcode sequence inserted by Cura at the beginning of each piece, that forces the bed to cool and warm again.
This problem can be solved/avoided by
manually editing the gcode of the printing (for example with the
notepad), and
deleting the following gcode-lines that Cura inserts before each piece (forcing the bed to cool):
• M140 S{material_bed_temperature}; set bed temperature, in our case, it was
M140 S60
• M190 S{material_bed_temperature}; wait for bed temperature, in our case, it was
M190 S60
• M104 S{material_print_temperature}; set extruder temperature, in our case, it was
M104 S220
• M109 S{material_print_temperature}; wait for extruder temperature, in our case, it was
M109 S220
The first time this code appears in the gcode is the correct one, but the other replicas appearing in the gcode (at the beginning of the second and subsequent pieces) should be replaced (these six gcode-lines) by:
Alternatively, this replacement can be made in
Cura: Going to extensions, post processing, modify g-code. Add a script and select "search and replace".
25/10/2024 - Beca per realitzar un Treball Final de Grau (TFG) en domòtica
Beca disponible per
realitzar un TFG al Laboratori de Robòtica de la UdL que consistirà en la implementació d'un sistema domòtic basat en
Home Assistant
TFG: Aplicació del sistema
Home Assistant
• Descripció del sistema domòtic
• Implementació d'un sistema domòtic a escala (amb elements reals)
• Implementació del sistema en
Raspberry Pi
• Lectura d'informació de sensors
• Control d'actuadors
• Control a partir de pantalla tàctic i mòbil
• Demostració del sistema
25/10/2024 - Fin de las ayudas a las calderas fósiles
Fin de las ayudas a las calderas fósiles (de gas natural) a partir del 1 de enero de 2025
• Artículo de
Bruselas prohibirá las ayudas a las calderas fósiles el año que viene
Aunque pueda parecer sorprendente; es mucho más eficiente (energeticamente y mediambientalmente) disponer de una gran central eléctica que funcione con gas y que los usuarios gasten energía eléctrica en la calefacción que la alternativa de
que cada usuario doméstico tenga una caldera de gas en casa (entre otras cosas se genera muchísimo más CO2).
Otra questión diferente es qué alternativa de las dos es actualmente más economica para un usuario doméstico.
18/10/2024 - Highlighting: a research paper focused on service-robots
Highlighting a service-robot paper:
State-of-the-Art Elderly Service Robot: Environmental Perception, Compliance Control, Intention Recognition, and Research Challenges,
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine, 10 (1), January 2024.
A literature survey on perception, control, and intention recognition for elderly service robots.
18/10/2024 - 2024 Nobel Prize in Physics: John J. Hopfield & Geoffrey E. Hinton

Hopfield and Hinton have win the Nobel Prize for their papers published in the 1980s that described rudimentary neural networks.
• John J. Hopfield,
Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1982. DOI:
• David H. Ackley, Geoffrey E. Hinton, Terrence J. Sejnowski,
A learning algorithm for boltzmann machines, Cognitive Science, 9, 1985. DOI:
17/10/2024 - Fira Maker Lleida 2024

Organitzada per l’
Associació Makers Lleida al
Mercat del Pla:
17 i 18 d'octubre (dijous i divendres): jornades tècniques i tallers amb alumnes de les escoles de la província.
19 i 20 d'octubre (dissabte i diumenge): Fira oberta a tothom amb makers, entitats, i empreses: Impressió 3D, robòtica, cosplay, drons, electrònica, stem, etc.
17/09/2024 - Precio de la electricidad para clientes PVPC: Término de Facturación de Energía Activa
• En su configuración actual la tarifa PVPC no sigue la evolución del mercado mayorista.
• Falta sumar los peajes en cada tramo horario, el alguiler de contador y todos los impuestos que se aplican.
17/09/2024 - Precio de la electricidad (para clientes mayoristas) en cero euros en algunos tramos horarios
• En algunos momentos, el precio de la electricidad ha sido cero euros al haber habido mucha más oferta que demanda.
• El cliente minorista paga según la tarifa que tenga contratada con su empresa comercializadora ( y no le sale a estos precios ).
27/08/2024 - Highlighting: a brain analysis research paper
Highlighting a brain analysis paper:
Six types of loves differentially recruit reward and social cognition brain areas,
Cerebral Cortex 2024.
This paper characterize the brain areas involved in love for six different objects: romantic partner, one’s children, friends, strangers, pets, and nature.
This work used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity, while inducing feelings of love using short stories.
Results show that neural activity during a feeling of love depends on its object.
26/08/2024 - Destacamos: vídeo que muestra tinta electrónica en funcionamiento
Espectacular, especialmente si te gusta desmontarlo todo...
01/08/2024 - Earth Overshoot Day (el día que se consumen los recursos que se producen en la tierra en un año)
Earth Overshoot Day = the day on which the earth's production in a year would be consumed.

European Union (EU): we overshoot in
May 1, 2024 (
123 days); gastamos 3 veces lo que se produce en la tierra en un año.
Spain (ESP): we overshoot in
May 20, 2024 (
140 days); gastamos 2 veces y media lo que se produce en la tierra en un año.
Earth (Planet): we overshoot in
August 1, 2024 (
213 days); gastamos 1 vez y media lo que se produce en la tierra en un año.
24/07/2024 - getfigure70.m (version 7.0)

Sharing our
Matlab tool
getfigure70.m (version 7.0) that simplifies the copy of axis, lines, and images
from another figure.
Click on the image to see the the menus and submenus of the tool.
The first call to this function adds a new
Getfigure menu (in the current figure) and the second call deletes the
Getfigure menu (in the current figure):
>> getfigure70
12/07/2024 - 'roseus' colormap for Matlab

Sharing our
Matlab function:
roseus.m (also available at
c = roseus(M) returns an M-by-3 matrix containing the 'roseus' colormap.
roseus, by itself, uses the length of the current figure's colormap.
It works like the other colormaps: hot, hsv, parula, gray,...
The 'roseus' colormap is used in audacity for improved spectrum visualization.
Adjust the color limits of the spectrum image to mimic the audacity spectrum.
Usage examples:
>>c = roseus(15); % returns a 15x3 'roseus' colormap
>>c = roseus; % returns a Mx3 colormap, M is the length of the current figure's colormap or 64
>>colormap(roseus); % sets the 'roseus' colormap on the current figure (spectrogram example shown in the figure)
12/07/2024 - Display a Matlab matrix as text
Sharing our
Matlab function:
matrix2m.m (also available at
matrix2m(A, digits) returns the matrix A as a displayed text.
Designed to copy/add a raw matrix into an m file.
The matrix A can have one, two or three dimensions
Usage example:
>>A = rand(1,4);
>>matrix2m(A); % returns the text description of A, as follows
Text to be copied into your m file:
A = [0.2583 0.4094 0.5951 0.2626];
08/07/2024 - Highlighting: a Star Wars fan film (5:20 min)
Highlighting a spectacular
Star Wars fan film:
X-Wing, directed by
Christopher Parks and produced by
Noble Engine
If you found the
5:20 minutes too short, here you have the
the making of
08/07/2024 - Curs d'impressió 3D a la Universitat d'Estiu 2024 de la UdL

Títol del curs de la
Universitat d'Estiu:
Impressió 3D: Tècniques i Materials
treballar el concepte d'impressió 3D en l'àmbits domèstic, professional i industrial
Adreçat a:
estudiants universitaris i
Grau/Màster de qualsevol titulació
Curs reconegut amb:
2 crèdits ECTS
Dates: del
8 al
12 de juliol de 2024 (de 9.00 a 11.00 i de 11.30 a 13.30)
19/06/2024 - Highlighting: MediaPipe demos
MediaPipe is a machine learning (ML) solution. Some
JavaScript ready-to-use web examples:
Holistic detection: a web example that uses the camera to detect the face, body, hands,...
Face Mesh detection: a web example that uses the camera to detect the face and fit a mesh, like the figure on the left
More ready-to-use examples: https://codepen.io/mediapipe
19/06/2024 - Work in progress: Using TPU as a support material
11/06/2024 - New publication of the Laboratory
Defining the Consistent Velocity of Omnidirectional Mobile Platforms,
Machines 2024,
12, 397.
This paper proposes the definition of the consistent velocity of omnidirectional mobile platforms. This velocity is an upper bound to the translational velocity of the mobile platform, which is defined as the minimum of the maximum translational velocities achievable in any angular orientation.
It depends on the mechanical configuration of the omni-wheels of the platform and on the maximum angular velocity allowed by the motors driving the omni-wheels.
It has been found that the consistent velocity does not depend on the relative orientation of the omni-wheels in the mobile platform.
09/05/2024 - Work in progress: 3D printing of XL objects with a Creality S5
18/04/2024 - Nou logotip del laboratori
Laboratori d'
Automatització i
Robòtica de la
les línies corbes de les lletres simbolitzen els camins que segueixen els treballs desenvolupats
els tres colors simbolitzen la il·lusió, la dedicació i la determinació amb la que es realitzen...
..i la combinació d'enginyeria mecànica, electrònica i informàtica necesssaria per dur-los a terme
16/03/2024 - Highlighting: Figure 01 robot performing Speech-to-Speech Reasoning
Yes, soon they will be ready...
14/03/2024 - Dia del número π = 3,141592653... y 31 trillones de decimales más !

Es la fecha en notación inglesa de mes-día que representa el número:
Se supone que si se organiza alguna fiesta de celebración debería empezar a las
16 h
O... si se quiere ser más preciso... a las
15:56 h
El minuto 56 se obtiene redondeando la conversión en fracción de hora de 92653, es decir 60 min * 0,92653 = 55,59 min o
55 min 35 s
01/03/2024 - Some promising humanoid robots under development
Figure 01 by Figure AI: 170 cm, 60 kg, 5 hours, 1.2 m/s (4.3 km/h), 20 kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/-4erYt2t7Bs
Unitree H1 by Unitree: 180 cm, 47 kg, ? hours, 3.3 m/s (11.8 km/h), 30 kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/83ShvgtyFAg, https://youtu.be/GzX1qOIO1bE
Fourier Intelligence GR-1 by Fourier Intelligence: 152 cm, 54 kg, ? hours, 1.38 m/s (5 km/h), ?? kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/sgo-jF4j8g8
Optimus Gen 2 by Tesla: ?? cm, ?? Kg, ? hours, ??? m/s, ?? Kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/cpraXaw7dyc
Atlas by BostonDynamics: 150 cm, 89 kg, ? hours, 2.5 m/s (9.0 km/h), ?? kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/-e1_QhJ1EhQ
KEPLERBOT by Kepler: 178 cm, 85 kg, ? hours, ??? m/s, ?? kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/_PO0-7t60Es
Droid by Disney: ?? cm, ?? kg, ? hours, ??? m/s, ?? kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/qNfRgZMWyCI
APR by Universitat de Lleida: 170 cm, 30 kg, 6 hours, 1.6 m/s (5.7 km/h), 5 kg payload.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/q7XyZmrdGHk
Top 10 robots humanoides
29/02/2024 - Interesting technical report offered by Farnell
Single Board Computer (
SBC) powered drones for aerial inspection.
SBC play a pivotal role in complex computations and are crucial components in complex drone types.
Link to the technical report
26/02/2024 - Using TPU as support material during 3D printing

Test of
TPU (white) as support material for a complex
PLA (blue) piece with holes in a cantilevered area.
Best results obtained when designing a
solid suport TPU piece than when using
TPU as support material.
First Lego League a l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL
02/03/2024 - First Lego League a l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL (Campus d'Igualada)
24/02/2024 - First Lego League a l'Escola Politècnica Superior de la UdL (Campus de Cappont)
Més informació a:
05/02/2024 - Highlighting: (dance) video that is inspiring some robotic work
Dance Battle:
Robot vs
Human vs
31/01/2024 - Work in progress
22/01/2024 - Highlighting: robot ALOHA created by Google and Stanford University
Wow... !
18/01/2024 - Gestionar la firma electrónica en Chrome
Pasos a seguir:
Acceder a Configuración
Privacidad y seguridad
Gestionar certificados
15/01/2024 - Work in progress
08/01/2024 - Highlighting: research paper featuring Student of Games algorithm
Student of Games: A unified learning algorithm for both perfect and imperfect information games.
Science Advances, November 2023.
• Student of Games achieves strong empirical performance in large perfect and imperfect information games (chess, Go,...).
• Student of Games is a general-purpose algorithm that combines guided search, self-play learning, and game-theoretic reasoning.
21/12/2023 - New version (5.1) of the SLAMICP-Library
new version 5.1 of the
SLAMICP-Library optimizes the "point_to_plane"
ICP matching by avoiding to compute the normals of the reference map in each iteration.
There is also a specific function to compute the normals (red arrows) of a point cloud (blue points).
30/11/2023 - La movilidad (en coche eléctrico) sigue cambiando
A Better Route Planner, un fantástico planificador de movilidad con coche eléctrico que permite programar una ruta en función del coche y del estado de la batería. Planifica las paradas de carga durante el viaje. Disponible como WEB y APP.
Chargemap, un localizador de cargadores. Disponible como WEB y APP.
OPENCHARGEMAP, un localizador de cargadores. Disponible como WEB y APP.
ELECTROMAPS, un localizador de cargadores. Disponible como WEB y APP.
16/11/2023 - Highlighting: shadowmap
Shadowmap, free sunlight and shadow visualization on an interactive 3D map.
No registration needed for the current day visualization.
17/10/2023 - Copy a Matlab matrix in Word

Sharing our
Matlab functions:
matrix2WordTable.m and
>> matrix2WordTable(M);
This function copies the matlab matrix M into a
Word document (through the clipboard):
1) Create an space for the table in word. 2) Go to Matlab and call this function. 3) Click over Word. 4) Wait until the whole matrix has been copied (do not change the focus from Word).
Function also avialable at
>> matrix2WordEq(M);
This function copies the matlab matrix M into a
Word equation (through the clipboard):
1) Create an empty equation in word. 2) Go to Matlab and call this function. 3) Click over the Word equation. 4) Wait until the whole matrix has been copied (do not change the focus from Word).
Function also avialable at
05/09/2023 - dijkstra.m (version 1.0)

Sharing our
Matlab function
( also available at
FileExchange )
A single-function implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm for shorter path finding in a directed matrix-graph
Didactic reference at:
Dijkstra's algorithm explained, https://youtu.be/bZkzH5x0SKU
% Matrix-Graph example G
% G(a,b)=z defines a directional link (with a weight z) from the node a to b
G = [0 1 0 0 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0 10 0;
2 0 0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 2 0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 2 0 1 0;
0 0 0 0 2 0 1;
0 0 0 0 0 2 0];
initialNode = 1;
finalNode = 7;
[best_route,cost,M] = dijkstra(G,initialNode,finalNode)
best_route =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cost =
% Interpretation of the columns of the Dijkstra matrix M
% Node number | best previous node | accumulated path lenght or cost | node visited
M =
1 0 0 1
2 1 1 1
3 2 2 1
4 3 3 1
5 4 4 1
6 5 5 1
7 6 6 1
• Related research paper:
Path Planning of a Mobile Delivery Robot Operating in a Multi-Story Building Based on a Predefined Navigation Tree
01/08/2023 - New publication of the Laboratory
SLAMICP Library: Accelerating Obstacle Detection in Mobile Robot Navigation via Outlier Monitoring following ICP Localization,
Sensors 2023,
23, 6089.
This work proposes to speed up the obstacle detection process by directly monitoring outliers (discrepant points between the LIDAR scans and the full map) spotted after Iterative Closest Point (ICP) matching instead of spending time performing an isolated task to re-analyze the LIDAR scans to detect those discrepancies.
This paper presents the SLAMICP Library: a Free and Open Source library that we developped to implement ICP matching returning the outliers detected and other internal matching parameters during mobile robot navigation.
Point Cloud application example of the
Mobile robot following a planned trajectory: the blue dots depict the 2D map of the facility;
the dotted cyan points depict the planned trajectory and the green arrow the final position and orientation that must be achieved by the mobile robot;
the solid olive line depict the real trajectory followed by the mobile robot and the brown arrow depit ist current position and orientation;
the red points are the outliers detected after ICP matching that (in this case) reveal one side of an obstacle placed in the corridor.
05/07/2023 - Procediment per comprovar i reparar els arxius de sistema de Windows 11
En cas de que durant l'arrencada o al crear un fitxer nou
Windows 11 tardi més del normal es pot fer servir SFC (System File Checker -
comprovador i reparador dels arxius del sistema):
1. Obrir un
CMD (consola o finestra de comandes) com administrador
2. Executar el
SFC, teclejant a la consola:
sfc /scannow
3. Esperar a que el procés de comprovació acabi
Exemple mostrant com fer-ho
05/07/2023 - Truc per utilitzar diverses versions de Word, Excel,...
Al registre, seleccionar per cada versió d'office l'aplicació (Word, Excel,...); a
Options afegir
DWORD (32-bit) amb el nom
NoRereg i posar-li
Exemple mostrant com fer-ho
Es pot fer directament des de
cmd: Reg.exe add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\Options" /v "NoRereg" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
23/03/2023 - World Meteorological Day ( + inspiring songs)
Now we can still act, later, maybe just beggin...
We wish we were special but we are 🐛
Let's see what will happen /
Aviam què passa ?
14/01/2023 - New research group at the UdL
New research group to face new challenges:
Logic, Optimization and Robotics (LOR)
13/01/2023 - Canvis organitzatius a la UdL
Després de 31 anys de funcionament, el
Departament d'Informàtica i Enginyeria Industrial (
DIEI) de la
UdL es divideix en dos nous departaments...
Departament d'Enginyeria Industrial i de l'Edificació (DEIE)
Departament d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Disseny Digital (DEIDD)
Llarga durada als nous departaments... !
13/09/2022 - Destaquem: Fa un segle que es va posar en funcionament la central de Camarasa
Article que formaba part del suplement dominical del diari Segre del 11/09/2022:
A Camarasa van fer la llum
La empresa
Barcelona Traction, Light and Power Company, Limited, coneguda com
La Canadiense, va posar en marxa la central de Sossís al 1912, Seròs al 1914, Talarn al 1916 i Camarasa al 1920.
La empresa
Energía Eléctrica de Cataluña, S.A. va posar en marxa la central de
Cabdella al 1914 (
vídeo YouTube del museu), situada a la
Vall Fosca (a l'
Estany Gento, amb un canal de 5 km i un desnivell de 836 m, rècord de
-32ºC al 1956).
Turbines hidroelèctriques més utilitzades:
Pelton i
Kaplan (
més informació de les turbines)
© Laboratori d'Automatització i Robòtica, Universitat de Lleida