Laboratori d'Automatització i Robòtica, Universitat de Lleida
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Online Drawing & Music tools
Color Picker:    HEX:    RGB: : :
12/06/2024 - Featuring some SVG Editors

  • AutoDraw, fast drawing with machine learning to enhance the draws

  • >> Vector Paint, a simple and very powerfull SVG editor. Select the background to change its dimensions.

  • > Sketchpad, fantastic drawing program

  • Art Draw, a simple but powerfull SVG editor

  • Method Draw Vector Editor, a simple SVG editor

  • EditSVG, online SVG code editor

  • SVGViewer, online SVG code viewer with many examples

  • SvgPathEditor, a programmers/designers SVG code editor

  • 10/11/2023 - Featuring: Chord player

    Featuring: ChorPlayer, a simple chord (piano, guitar, drums) player.
    10/11/2023 - Featuring: ChordChord

    Featuring: ChorChord, a AI-powered music making tool.
    10/11/2023 - Featuring: Drum Machine

    Featuring: Drum Machine, a free online Drum player tool.
    10/11/2023 - Featuring: Chord Player

    Featuring: Chord Player, a free online chord player tool.
    10/11/2023 - Featuring: Sketch Paint

    Featuring: Sketch Paint, a free online draw tool.
    21/12/2022 - Featuring: Photopea
    Featuring: Photopea, a free online photo editor.

    Learn to use Photopea:
    02/11/2022 - Featuring: Adobe Color Wheel
    Herramienta web destacada: Adobe Color Wheel
    Perfecta para crear paletas de colores basados en reglas de armonías de colores.

    Video Youtube: Cómo combinar colores, armonía del color y círculo cromático
    Video Youtube: Psicologia del Color
    28/09/2020 - Free Online Paint Utilities
    Sketchpad, fantástico programa para dibujar online:
      •Permite: save as SVG
      •Permite: cut/reduce background size
      •Recomendado: Settings: Autosave: OFF
      •Recomendado: Settings: Language: Español
    kleki, abrir y dibujar:
    Ideal para realizar dibujos a trazos
    Aggie, simple, directo, con capas y colaborativo:
    Ideal para realizar dibujos a trazos
    YouiDraw Painter, simple y directo:
    SumoPaint, simple y con capas:
    PIXLR, para editar fotos, versión simple (X) y extendida (E):
    Pixilart Draw, para crear dibujos pixelados:
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    © Laboratori de Robòtica, Universitat de Lleida